Shijiazhuang Signs Barrier-Free Travel Deal With Yantai

The Quality Supervision Department of the Shijiazhuang Muncipal Tourism Bureau has signed a strategic travel deal with its counterpart in Yantai in a bid to create barrier-free travel services between the two cities.

Xing Wenhai, a director of QSDSMTB, said that many Shijiazhuang tourists travel in Yantai each year, and both travel agencies and individual tourists will benefit from this non-barrier travel service. Xing added that the agreement also covers clauses on complaint solving, which facilitates tourists making complaints in a different region.

The agreement states that when a tourist from either city has cause for a dispute during their travels in the other city, they can make a complaint immediately to the travel quality supervision department of the city that they are in and the latter should go to deal with the complaint in the same manner as they do for their local tourists.

It is learned that the barrier-free travel service will be offered between the two cities on a daily basis and in the form of tour groups, excursion trains and charter flights.