行业新闻 瑜舍欢迎新营销及市场推广总监 2009年08月27日 旅业编辑 638 Views 0 Comment 瑜舍, 英国, 营销及市场推广总监, Metropolitan, Michael Faulkner, 北京, 中国, 伦敦, 澳洲 来自英国的Michael Faulkner近日被任命为北京瑜舍酒店新营销及市场推广总监。 阅读更多
English The Opposite House Welcomes Faulkner As New DOSM 2009年08月27日 旅业编辑 587 Views Australia, Beijing, director of sales and marketing, DOSM, London, Metropolitan, Opposite House, Sanlitun, Swire, Village Englishman Michael Faulkner has been appointed director of sales and marketing at The Opposite House in Beijing. 阅读更多