Hong Kong Hotel Rates Increase By 30% For Golden Week

Rates of hotels in Hong Kong have increased by over 30% for the National Day Golden Week, while those for hotels in Macau are expected to only go up slightly or maintain the same level as ordinary weekends.

Because both the Indonesian new year holiday and the long holiday of Japan are in the first week of October this year, the number of tourists visiting to Hong Kong from the Southeast Asia region — which is one of its major source markets — is expected to greatly increasing. For the first three days of the Golden Week, rates at three- and four-star hotels in Hong Kong are between CNY600 and CNY700, with some five-star hotels exceeding CNY900, ands the top five-star hotels maintaining their rates at around CNY2,000.

In Macau, the rate for several newly opened hotels at five-star levels is about CNY2,000, while that for the three- and four-star hotels is about CNY800.