California Opens China Office

The California Travel & Tourism Commission has formally launched its representative offices in China to introduce California's tourism resource to Chinese consumers and increase the awareness of their travel products among Chinese consumers and the Chinese hospitality industry.

This follows a bilateral agreement signed between China and the United States in December 2007 which gave approval for Chinese tourist groups to travel in the U.S and allowed the U.S. to promote its tourism destinations in China.

Caroline Beteta, CEO of the California Travel and Tourism Commission and chair of the U.S. Travel Association, said that the new offices would enhance communication between the two parties. She added that the new office would create a win-win for both China and the state of California, and California would be a one-stop destination for Chinese tourists no matter whether for sightseeing or for trade and investment with its many attractions includingl Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

With the opening of three offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, CTTC will work more closely with the Chinese tourism industry on marketing and promotion. It will also build up a Chinese language website soon to increase Chinese consumer awareness of California's tourism offerings.

"International travel is a highlight of California's economy. This is the first step to opening our doors to China with the launch of the new offices which will provide more opportunities for California to cooperate with China." said Beteta.

China is the seventh country — following Great Britain, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Germany, and Mexico — in which CTTC has opened offices.