Air Ticket Agents Exposed For Illegal Sales Practices

The China Air Transportation Association has listed a group of 121 air ticket agents for illegal ticket selling, 30 of which are reported to be from Beijing.

It is understood that there are two main problems with these air ticket agents. One is exaggerated and misleading advertisements, and the other is that they operate without obtaining a relevant qualification from CATA.

CATA has reminded consumers that all air ticket advertisements that do not contain the agent's name, telephone number, and address, or that advertise in the names of the CATA, Beijing Aviation Administration, Air China, or Capital Airport are illegal. In addition, consumers should log onto CATA's official website to check for the list of legal air ticket agents or call 400-815-8888 or log onto to check whether an air ticket is authentic.

Yang Jing, a representative from CATA Northern China Office, says that these agents also issue false itineraries for customers which may lead to their failing to check-in.