Inner Mongolia Opens Scheduled Flights To Hong Kong

A scheduled air route between Hohhot and Hong Kong has been officially launched.

According to Ma Yongsheng, the deputy director of the Inner Mongolia Tourism Administration, the Hong Kong route has been operated as charter flights for many years and no scheduled fights were available. Passengers needed to transfer at Beijing, Guangzhou, or Shenzhen to get to Hong Kong with resulting extra costs in both money and time.

Two flights have been arranged for the route, one on Monday and the other on Thursday. The flights will leave Hohhot Baita International Airport at 08:00 and get to Hong Kong at 13:10. The return flight departs at 14:10 and arrives at 19:00. The flights will make a stopover at Zhengzhou.

According to Ma Inner Mongolia has been receiving more and more tourists from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan in recent years with the development of its tourism industry. He expects that the scheduled air route will accelerate the tourism development of Inner Mongolia.