Yunnan To Promote Tourism In Greater Mekong Subregion

At the China-ASEAN Tourism Cooperation Forum held in Kunming, the director of Yunnan Provincial Tourism Administration, Yu Dingcheng, said that Yunnan would simplify procedures for travel and promote the development of the Greater Mekong Subregion's tourism industry.

Yu Dingcheng stated that Yunnan has made major progress in Greater Mekong Subregion tourism cooperation, and is an important part of the GMS as a single tourist destination. However there is still great potential for tourism cooperation between Yunnan and ASEAN countries, especially those in the Lancang-Mekong River Subregion. Yunnan will simplify travel procedures and reduce travel barriers to boost tourism in GMS.

It is learned that Yunnan will cooperate with other GMS countries to develop tourism resources, and open up new tourist routes. It will also launch joint marketing activities together with ASEAN countries at festivals and events like Chine International Travel Mart and China Kunming International Cultural Tourism Festival.

Preliminary estimates shows that by 2015, Yunnan will be a world-famous tourist destination with tourist arrivals of 200 million and tourism revenue of CNY130 billion.